Our Natural Wonders of Iceland was a resounding success from beginning to end. London welcomed us for 2 days where we explored and discovered new and old sites and got to know each other and acclimatised to local time. Gundrun, our Guide, welcomed us in Reykjavik and remained with us throughout our splendid and mind-blowing tour of this mystical Island. With a population of approx 440,000 and not one McDonald's in sight, it cast its spell instantly. We explored Reykjavik on foot and enjoyed a luxurious morning at The Blue Lagoon ( one of the 25 things to do before you die ! tick) and engaged in a little retail therapy! On our second evening enroute back to our hotel, the Green Lights appeared!!! The Northern Lights put on a spectacular show for us and we were beyond excited, thrilled and totally in awe of what we were watching. Another big tick for us!
Our tour took us all around the island - through National Parks, Glaciers, Pseudo Craters and " real" Craters, Lava Shows, Glacier Lagoons, Whale Watching, Black Beaches, ancient Turf houses and churches and Waterfalls. Iceland must have the most magnificent waterfalls in the world where millions of litres of glacial waters thunder down with such force and majesty and each one is just magnificent. We embraced howling winds, driving rain and very cold temperatures to soak it all in and everybody just got on with it and we laughed, helped and encouraged each other always with smiles and good humour. Our driver, Hoette, was one out of the box, and his quiet charm and mystical nature added a wonderful element to our adventures. The Icelanders believe in "Hidden People" and Hoette told us we had many extras on our tour on a daily basis who we didn't see but he assured us they were looking after us! Many times when the rain was pouring down, just before we stopped, the sun would come out or the rain would stop - The Hidden People!
We enjoyed 4 geo thermal experiences in different parts of Iceland - each one a unique experience where the outside temperature could be as low as 4 degrees but we basked in the natural hot waters and pinched ourselves that this was actually happening! The topography is unbelieve with kilometers of lava fields, glacial valleys, mountain ranges, bubbling geysers and hot mud, thermal springs and very few trees. Iceland's volcanoes, earthquakes and glaciers keep it geologically young and active and spectacularly. beautiful. Land is created and destroyed here faster than anywhere else in the world. Straddling divergent tectonic plates. Iceland stretches by about two centimetres per year. The sea erodes the shore at about the same rate. Mountains, islands, lakes and gorges come, go and transform. It's a land whose story always seems to be starting a new chapter and we loved every second of our time there.
Our tour finished in Copenhagen for 2 days where we welcomed the mild climate, went to visit Mary ( who stood us up!) and walked the length and breadth of this charming city.
I was honoured and humbled by this wonderful group of Sisters who took on every challenge, embraced the elements and took care of each other. Life-time friendships were formed and the ease and joy of their company was a delight. Put Iceland on your list, you won't be disappointed.
Thank You all for your friendship and support - Denise Moore, Hostess

About the Author: Hayley Morris
The founder of Sisterhood Womens Travel and owner of an award winning travel agency - “I’ve been in travel for over 17 years and identified the need for a touring company to provide fully inclusive, interesting tours just for women". One of the things I love about travelling with a group of inspiring women is that we are all brought together to share a passion for travel and to see our amazing world in the company of friends, what better way to travel!
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