Norfolk Island .... a unique destination. Over 8 days, our sisterhood group of 16 women discovered an island of rugged, spectacular coastlines, tropical forests, fascinating Polynesian, convict and mutineer Bounty history all bound together in its current inhabitants, a country style town centre where cows have the right of way on its streets, where locals speak their own language and crime simply does not exist... what a place!
This tour, although packed full of experiences from the moment we arrived, was still refreshing, energizing and educational for all of us. As soon as we arrived we were guided on an adventure beginning with the Island Fish Fry where we were treated to local Polynesian dishes and delicious local fish all the while being entertained by local singer Trent Christian and the the Bounty Beauty dancers. The next morning we were given an orientation small bus tour of the island which opened our eyes to the wonderful experiences that were to follow.
For those who like their exercise a BBQ Breakfast Bushwalk through the tropical national park and along a section of coastline passing Elephant Rock was definitely a highlight. The great thing about this tour was that there was something for everyone... from those just here to soak it all in gently to those who like a bit of pace.
A tour of Colleen McCullough's house proved a real surprise as it was not what any of us expected but gave us an insight into her complex personality. Our Glass Bottom boat morning perhaps illustrates best of all what makes this place special. Donald Christian who runs the Glass Bottom boats adapted to our wish to spend part of the morning swimming and enjoying beautiful Emily Bay before our boat experience, picking us up an hour before our scheduled tour to give us this time. He then provided us with a home-made individually packed lunch of quiche and salad followed by banana passion fruit cake which his wife had baked for us. This was the general tone of many of our tours... although tourism is the main 'industry' on many occasions we were made to feel like guests rather than tourists. This was quite special. The Curious Castaways and Indulgence tour were further examples of this. Rachel from Curious Castaways told us stories of her ancestors and cooked up local banana based treats as well as teaching us the art of flax weaving. We all had a go! Rachel was not concerned about sticking to time... she oozed patience and simply wanted us to have a good experience.
Toward the end of our week, Pinetree Tours offered us and Indulgence Tour designed to fill in the gaps in our experiences and sightseeing by asking us where and what we'd like to experience. This was indeed a wonderful afternoon during which we visited a Lavender Farm, ate blueberry and lavender icecream (surprisingly good), visited the lookout on the highest point of the island and enjoyed wine and a cheese platter at beautiful Bumbora beach.
To add further to all these treats, our lovely host at Castaway Resort, Erin couldn't do enough for us. One of our sister's Joy celebrated her birthday whilst there and Erin made sure our breakfast table was decorated with flowers, Mimosas were poured for everyone and a a fruit crumble was baked for Joy complete with candles.
This was a delightful tour enhanced by 16 warm and friendly ladies who embraced each other in friendship, the absolute key to lifting a tour from good to brilliant.

About the Author: Hayley Morris
The founder of Sisterhood Womens Travel and owner of an award winning travel agency - “I’ve been in travel for over 17 years and identified the need for a touring company to provide fully inclusive, interesting tours just for women". One of the things I love about travelling with a group of inspiring women is that we are all brought together to share a passion for travel and to see our amazing world in the company of friends, what better way to travel!
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