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Sizzling South America

Eight intrepid sisters set off on an adventure of a lifetime to experience South America’s Chile, Argentina, and Peru, a vibrant mix of culture, nature and adventure across three diverse countries.

We explored iconic landmarks such as Machu Picchu, the Amazon rainforest, Lake Titicaca, Iguassu Falls and the stunning landscapes of the Chilean Lakes and Patagonia.

We also visited the bustling cities of Santiago, Buenos Aires and Lima where we experienced local cuisine, music and dance.

We immersed ourselves in each region’s rich history, stunning scenery, amazing food and local traditions and of course some shopping!

Over the 31 days away we definitely created lasting memories and friendships that will last a lifetime while discovering the beauty and diversity of South America.

Hayley Morris's avatar

About the Author: Hayley Morris

The founder of Sisterhood Womens Travel and owner of an award winning travel agency - “I’ve been in travel for over 17 years and identified the need for a touring company to provide fully inclusive, interesting tours just for women". One of the things I love about travelling with a group of inspiring women is that we are all brought together to share a passion for travel and to see our amazing world in the company of friends, what better way to travel!

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